The Skeptic's Myth that there are "Thousands" of Religions

Atheists and Agnostics frequently make statements to the effect of:

  • "There are thousands of religions that you don't believe in, I just go one God further"
  • "There are thousands of religions that all claim they are right. What makes you think you're right and they're wrong?"

This article will show that these statements are distortions and misrepresentations of reality, merely aimed to dissuade a person from seeking absolute truth.


This is the breakdown of what the world believes, according to a 2015 study published by Pew Research:

  • Christianity - 2.3 Billion people (31.2%)
  • Islam - 1.8 Billion people (24.1%)
  • Atheist/Agnostic - 1.2 Billion people (16%)
  • Hinduism - 1.1 Billion people (15.1%)
  • Buddhism - 500 Million people (6.9%)

Adding those up reveals that approximately 93.3% of the people on this planet believe in either no religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity. This world is not that complicated.

Going further, Buddhism is just an offshoot of Hinduism, and Islam claims to be an offshoot of Christianity that affirms the Bible. So really we only have two groups - Indian (Dharmic) religions that believe in Karma and the cycle of Reincarnation, and "Abrahamic" religions that affirm the God of the Bible.

Beyond these two major groups, you have various "religions" which are 99% unorganized cultural traditions ("folk religions"), philosophies, or superstitions isolated to a single region on the earth, the vast majority of which don't even have a scripture or organized set of beliefs. Many of these folk religions are polytheistic, animistic, pantheistic, syncretic (combine other religions), or practically atheistic (better classified as philosophies). The vast majority of these to ever exist simply ceased to exist when the group that practiced it came into contact with an organized religion.

Folk religions like those practiced in China (Taoism, Confucianism, Falun Gong) aren't even in the same category as a religion like Christianity or Islam. They make no claims of a supreme, personal creator who has spoken to their creation. The same is true of African animist religions. They aren't even compelling because they have no authority beyond what grandpa told so-and-so, which is why you likely can't name any of them, and scholars have a nightmare even attempting to classify them/define what they believe.

So in short, one of the scriptures on this planet must be from God unless He has totally abandoned us without hope or revelation. Once you actually look into which one it is, the Bible stands so far above the rest in terms of historical record, claims, prophecy, authority, content, narrative, and composition, that the conclusion is foregone. Don't take my word for it - try to read the Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita, and see for yourself if they are compelling.

In summary, even if there are "thousands" of religions, they fit into only a few broad categories, and there are extremely few of them that are even compelling enough to warrant a few minutes of consideration. The Bible is the only scripture in any religion that demonstrates the supernatural phenomena of detailed, future predictive prophecy, and besides this, stands above all other scriptures in ways that become readily apparent to anyone who hazards to read and compare them.

But What About All of the Denominations Within Christianity?

Here's how you sift through the various denominations:

Read the New Testament a few times. It should become blatantly obvious to you who is following the Bible and who is just putting on a grand show of paganism and idolatry that has been invented out of thin air. It's really not that hard to figure out if you pray for wisdom and use common sense.

The only reason that most denominations exist is because most Christians can't be bothered to read the Bible, or are functionally discouraged from doing so. If everyone had a high degree of Biblical literacy, there would be a mass exodus from these bizarre "Christian" denominations who have invented lots of strange doctrines.

And I realize that all this can be said of anyone's denomination, which is why you need to read the Bible for yourself, and check if what I'm saying is reasonable. God has given you the ability to do so, and commanded you to do so (2 Timothy 2:15), rather than staking your soul on someone else's interpretation or speculation.


The idea that the God of the Bible is "one of many", or that there are a host of competing religions that all seem equally compelling to an honest, intelligent enquirer, is hilarious and false. Such a thing can only be stated by someone who has never actually bothered to study comparative religion, or what these "thousands" of religions teach, claim, and consist of.

This world is not that complicated. God made the truth available to you, and it's not in one of the "thousands" of "religions" that have no prophets, no scripture, no redeemer, no assurance of Salvation, no resurrection, no miracles, no historically-verified prophecy, and nothing even paralleling a single page of any book in the Bible.