What follows are quotations from Hindu scripture which denigrate women.
Rigveda - Book 8, Hymn 33
17 Indra himself hath said, The mind of woman brooks not discipline, Her intellect hath little weight.
Rigveda - Book 10, Hymn 95
15 Nay, do not die, Pururavas, nor vanish: let not the evil-omened wolves devour thee. With women there can be no lasting friendship: hearts of hyenas are the hearts of women.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Book 6, Chapter 4
6 If man sees his reflection in water, he should recite the following Mantra: '(May the gods grant) me luster, manhood, reputation, wealth and merits'. She (his wife) is indeed the goddess of beauty among women. Therefore he should approach this handsome woman and speak to her.
7 If she is not willing, he should buy her over; and if she is still unyielding, he should strike her with a stick or with the hand and proceed, uttering the following Mantra, 'I take away your reputation', etc. She is then actually discarded.
Mahabharata - Book 13, Anusasanika Parva, Chapter 40
(Bhishma said) I shall also tell you, O king, how women were created by the Grandsire Brahman and the object for which they were created by Him. There is no creature more sinful, O son, than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, O king, that the Daitya Maya created. She is the sharp edge of the razor. She is poison. She is a snake. She is fire. She is, verily, all these united together.
Devi Bhagavata Purana - Book 1, Chapter 5
83 Falsehood, vain boldness, craftiness, stupidity, impatience, over-greediness, impurity, and harshness are the natural qualities of women.
Shiva Purana - Chapter 24
15 (Pañcacūḍā said) O Nārada, this is the defect in women. Even women of noble families, women with husbands and women endowed with beauty do not stand within the limits of decency.
16 There is none more sinning and more sinful than women. Women are at the root of all sins. This you know already.
17 They might have husbands of good knowledge, of ample wealth, of great comeliness and pleasing to them. But when they get opportunities for erring, they do not wait.
18 O holy lord, this is the evil practice of all of us, women, that we resort to sinful men casting off all shame and shyness.
35 Ever since the five elements, the world, the men and women were created by Brahmā, O Nārada, the defect lies in women always.
36 (Sanatkumāra said) On hearing her words Nārada was satisfied in his mind. Considering it to be the truth he became disinterested in them.
37 O Vyāsa, thus the nature of women as mentioned by Pañcacūḍā has been narrated to you. What other cause of detachment do you wish to hear?
Mahabharata - Book 1, Sambhava Parva, Chapter 104
31 At these words of his wife, Dirghatamas said, I lay down from this day as a rule that every woman shall have to adhere to one husband for her life. Be the husband dead or alive, it shall not be lawful for a woman to have connection with another. And she who may have such connection shall certainly be regarded as fallen.
Vamana Purana - Chapter 12
1 Sukesi said, What action leads to these hells and in what manner? Please tell me this, O venerable Brahmanas. Great is my curiosity about it.
2 The sages said: O Sukesi, listen from us the action by the performance of which one goes to the hells to undergo the suffering caused by such actions.
35 Those who remarry widows and those that defiles unmarried girls, and the ancestors of the offsprings of such unions are made to eat worms and ants.
Padma Purana - Book 3, Chapter 56
14 (Vyāsa said) (He should) especially (avoid) the food of a widow who is remarried, so also of the husband of a woman who is married twice.
Kurma Purana - Book 2, Chapter 17
14 One should particularly avoid the food served by a widowed woman who has remarried, nor should he partake of the food served by one who carnally enjoys the wife of his dead brother. Similarly, he should avoid partaking of the food served with contempt or anger, spurning, dislike or arrogance or astonishment.
Skanda Purana - Book 3, Section 2, Chapter 21
15 (Yājñavalkya says) It is mentioned by Kāśyapa that these burn the family like fire: The daughter of a widow who marries again should be always avoided. She is the lowliest born.
16 One who has been verbally given in marriage, one mentally betrothed, one whose marital sacred string tying is over, one who is offered by touching water or taken by the hand,
17 One who has gone round the fire and one who is a child of a widow remarried - all these burn the family like fires (says Kāśyapa).
Manusmriti - Chapter 9
17 Manu assigned to women sleep, sitting, ornament, lust, anger, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct.
18 For women there is no dealing with the sacred texts; such is the rule of law; the fact is that, being destitute of organs and devoid of sacred texts, women are 'false'.
Brahma Purana - Chapter 64
19 In regard to the people of the first three castes the rite of holy bath and the repetition of Mantras is in the manner mentioned in the Vedas. The utterance of the Vedic passage is to be avoided by women as well as Śūdras.
Bhagavata Purana - Book 1, Chapter 4
25 The three Vedas are not to be heard by women, Śūdras and lowest among the twice-born ones (i.e. unworthy persons of Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya, and Vaiśya castes). In order that the welfare of such (persons) ignorant about actions leading to the good (results) may be (achieved) this way here, that the sage (Vyāsa) compiled the narrative called the Bhārata.
Devi Bhagavata Purana - Book 1, Chapter 3
21 The more so because women, Śudras, and the lower Dvijas are not entitled to hear the Vedas; for their good, the Purāṇas have been composed.
Narada Purana - Book 1, Chapter 15
100 I shall mention the fruits of sins accruing to those who engage themselves in the recitation and study of the Vedas in the vicinity of women and Sudras. Listen to it attentively.
101 They are compelled to stand with their heads down and legs upwards. Thus, they are nailed to two pillars and are compelled to inhale smoke continuously in this posture. They stay thus for the period of year of god Brahma (3 trillion years).